This webinar focuses on current Offer versus Serve (OVS) regulations for National School Lunch Program sponsors that are following USDA Nutrition Standards. After providing a general review of OVS regulations and definitions, information is provided on the application of OVS to lunchtime menu planning and meal service in a variety of settings. Frequent questions regarding OVS, including use of OVS when using salad bars, are addressed. Specific lunch menu examples are given, with application to all grade levels.

- Offer versus Serve: Lunch Webinar Recording
- Offer versus Serve: Lunch Webinar Question and Answers Recording
Webinar Handouts
- Offer versus Serve: Lunch (includes Webinar presenter script)
- Whole Grain Resource for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs
- Offer Versus Serve Guidance For The National School Lunch Program And The School Breakfast Program 2013-2014
Suggested USDA Professional Standards Crediting Information
- Key Area: Operations (2000)
- Training Topic: Serving Food (2200)
- Learning Objective: Complete a food production record and other required paperwork (2200)
- Instructional Time: 1 Hour
- Training Topic: Serving Food (2200)
You can find more suggested USDA Professional Standards crediting information by viewing our downloadable resource here.