This informative webinar will cover topics such as: why vegetarian meals are needed in schools and why the CDE and UC Davis conducted a survey on what schools are doing, what some California school districts are doing now, and how to get started serving vegetarian meals and options.

Webinar Handouts
- Serving Vegetarian Meals in School Nutrition Programs PowerPoint
- Vegetarian Meals Survey Results
- Standard Recipe Template
- Recipe Resources for Serving Vegetarian Meals
- Pico Hummus Gyro Manteca
- Vegan Quantity Recipes PRM
- Vegetarian Webinar Resources
Suggested USDA Professional Standards Crediting Information
- Key Area: Nutrition (1000)
- Training Topic: Menu Planning (1100)
- Learning Objective: Plan menus that meet USDA nutrition requirements for reimbursable meals, including calculating meal components (1110)
- Instructional Time: 1 Hour
- Training Topic: Menu Planning (1100)
You can find more suggested USDA Professional Standards crediting information by viewing our downloadable resource here.