
Think Outside the Lunch Box this National Pack Your Lunch Day!

Think outside the lunch box this National Pack Your Lunch Day and keep your lunchtime routine from getting stale! Get creative with refreshing and colorful lunchtime ideas for whether you're packing your own or your whole family’s lunch for work and school this March 10th.

Heart-healthy Celebration Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Is your heart racing for Valentine’s Day? Although candy and dessert tend to take center stage on Valentine’s Day, holiday celebrations are a great place to incorporate healthy eating ideas and physical activity into a child’s life.

It’s Citrus Season!

Add some zest to your fall and winter with citrus fruit! The prime harvest time for many citrus fruits is between the months of November to March. Enjoy a “burst of sunshine” during these cold, chilly months, and include some citrus fruits into your day!

Head Back to School with a Healthy Lunch!

It’s that time of year again that kids are heading back to school! Whether your child brings a packed lunch from home or buys lunch from the cafeteria, a healthy, balanced lunch is an essential component to a positive and successful school day. The beginning of the school year is a great time to start (or continue!) making healthy eating choices!