
Get the Most with Canned Food

Not only is February American Heart Month, but it is also National Canned Food Month! From peaches and corn to beans, tuna, chicken broth, and chickpeas, you will be sure to find many staple foods that are stored in cans. How can you incorporate canned foods into your next meal?

Tickle Your Taste Buds this National Library Lover’s Month!

Turn the page to your next family adventure! February is National Library Lover’s Month and books are fun and exciting way to introduce a variety of topics like eating right, identifying fruits and vegetables, celebrating food traditions around the world, and growing and cooking food.

Heart-healthy Celebration Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Is your heart racing for Valentine’s Day? Although candy and dessert tend to take center stage on Valentine’s Day, holiday celebrations are a great place to incorporate healthy eating ideas and physical activity into a child’s life.

How Can Advertisements Influence Your Food Choices?

How can advertisements influence your food choices? Food advertising is aimed to reach a wide range of people and age-levels through various sources and platforms. Advertisements can easily sway one’s food choices, especially adolescents and younger children. Learn more about how you can become an informed consumer and promote healthier eating for your whole family!

How Much Water Should You Drink?

How can you make every sip count? Water plays a crucial role in keeping our bodies healthy. Learn more information and creative tips to further promote hydration throughout the day here!

Learn More about the Hottest Topics in Nutrition!

Have you ever wanted to learn more about hot topics in nutrition, but didn’t know where to look for a reliable research-based resource? The CNS has the answer for you with our Nutrition Fact Sheets! Be sure check out the latest additions to our website, like Gluten, the Paleo Diet, Water, Caffeine, and Energy Drinks.

Shopping Tips for a Healthy Holiday

With the holiday season quickly approaching, grocery shopping may be one of the top priorities on your to-do list. Keep your meal planning and grocery shopping organized to have a stress-free, happy, and healthy holiday with family and friends.