Fruits and Vegetables

Tickle Your Taste Buds this National Library Lover’s Month!

Turn the page to your next family adventure! February is National Library Lover’s Month and books are fun and exciting way to introduce a variety of topics like eating right, identifying fruits and vegetables, celebrating food traditions around the world, and growing and cooking food.

Heart-healthy Celebration Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Is your heart racing for Valentine’s Day? Although candy and dessert tend to take center stage on Valentine’s Day, holiday celebrations are a great place to incorporate healthy eating ideas and physical activity into a child’s life.

Shopping Tips for a Healthy Holiday

With the holiday season quickly approaching, grocery shopping may be one of the top priorities on your to-do list. Keep your meal planning and grocery shopping organized to have a stress-free, happy, and healthy holiday with family and friends.

Celebrate the Holidays with Healthy Choices

The holiday season is upon us! Winter festivities are the perfect time for families and friends to gather around the dining table for food, drinks, and joyous conversations. Don’t let the abundance of holiday parties keep you from maintaining the healthy habits that you have built throughout the year. Enjoy a merry and healthy holiday season with a few mindful practices.

Stay Cozy this Winter with a Healthy Bowl of Soup

Bundle up this cold winter with a perfect bowl of warm soup! Stock up on soups and stews filled with hearty and nutritious ingredients like vegetables, fruits, and fiber to satisfy your winter cravings.

Healthy Baking Alternatives

The holiday season is upon us! Baking can be a fun and interactive family activity to celebrate winter festivities. Enjoy this season with a variety of healthy baked goods!

November is Diabetes Awareness Month!

Throughout November, we are celebrating National Diabetes Awareness Month! During this month, the community comes together to bring attention to diabetes, diabetes management and prevention, and protecting yourself from other chronic complications. This year focuses on the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

It’s Citrus Season!

Add some zest to your fall and winter with citrus fruit! The prime harvest time for many citrus fruits is between the months of November to March. Enjoy a “burst of sunshine” during these cold, chilly months, and include some citrus fruits into your day!