Heart Healthy

Brighten Your Plate by Choosing Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

There is a rainbow of fruits and vegetables that offer several health benefits! Make your meals vibrant and nutritious by choosing a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. Learn more about the different ways you can add colors onto your plate and promote good health.

Heart-healthy Celebration Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Is your heart racing for Valentine’s Day? Although candy and dessert tend to take center stage on Valentine’s Day, holiday celebrations are a great place to incorporate healthy eating ideas and physical activity into a child’s life.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month!

Throughout November, we are celebrating National Diabetes Awareness Month! During this month, the community comes together to bring attention to diabetes, diabetes management and prevention, and protecting yourself from other chronic complications. This year focuses on the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Keep Cool and Active during Warm Weather

Is the summer heat not fitting into your physical activity routine? Spending an extended amount of time outdoors may not be a practical option for you, but don’t let the rising temperatures keep you from staying active!

Eating Right with Added Sugar

What does the term “Added Sugars” mean? Added sugars are sweeteners and syrups that are added to processed or prepared foods, like frozen foods, cereals, snacks, sweets, and soft drinks.  This differs from natural sugars, which are found naturally in foods, such as fresh fruits and dairy products.  What are some easy ways that you can reduce your added sugar intake?

Stay Active for National Physical Fitness and Sports Month!

During the month of May, we are celebrating National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! As a family, it is important that you and your children are getting enough exercise into your day. From taking a walk around the park to playing a game of soccer or even gardening, there are several ways to get moving! Get outdoors, stay active, and have fun!

Say Na to Sodium and K to Potassium!

Did you know that potassium can lower your blood pressure, leading to improved heart health? In contrast, research demonstrates that a diet high in sodium can lead to elevated blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Small changes to food preparations with salt alternatives can help to reduce sodium intake in everyday meals.

Choose a Variety of Colorful Fruits to Improve Heart Health

The American Heart Association promotes eating an overall healthy diet by following the MyPlate guide to maintain your heart health. For American Heart Month this February, we are highlighting the different food groups in MyPlate and how to incorporate them into a heart healthy diet. This week's food group is fruit!

Celebrate February with Heart-Healthy Foods

Happy American Heart Month! Keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol levels normal can help lower your chances of developing heart disease! One way to keep these risk factors at bay is to eat a heart-healthy diet! To keep your heart healthy this February and every month, try incorporating some of these foods into your daily meals.

Lettuce Celebrate Heart Health with a Variety of Vegetables

The American Heart Association promotes eating an overall healthy diet by following the MyPlate guide to maintain your heart health. For American Heart Month this February, we are highlighting the different food groups in MyPlate and how to incorporate them into a heart healthy diet. This week's food group is vegetables!