Ways to Keep Children Active this Summer
Summer is here! With school out, it’s important for kids to stay active over the summer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that kids limit their screen time to less than 2 hours per day. Children should also be getting at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Be a role model and encourage safe and fun ideas to keep children of all ages active and busy this summer. Start good exercise habits, and encourage healthy living!
Listed below are a couple fun ideas to keep your kids active and busy this summer:
- Plan family activities or trips: Encourage healthy behaviors and set an example by being active as a whole family. Some examples can include hiking a local nature trail, playing soccer at the park, or taking a family walk around the neighborhood. For additional fun try beating the heat this summer with water-themed activities. No pool? No problem! Try having a water balloon fight or even running through the sprinklers. No matter the activity your family decides to engage in this summer, do your best to make it a weekly plan, or if possible, even daily to increase physical activity opportunities!
- Find a new sport your child can try: From basketball and tennis to baseball and volleyball, there is a variety of different sports available that your child may like. Many sport activities can be played with just your family at your home or even at local park. Keep your child active during the summer, while also gaining skills, such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and communication.
- Start a garden in your backyard: Planting an outdoor garden can be a summer long activity that can also help encourage children to safely get outdoors. Find projects for smaller hands, such as helping to dig, rake, plant, water, and harvest. Getting children involved in a fruit and vegetable garden can also get them excited and more eager to try the food and/or edible plants that they helped grow! Visit the CNS blog for more tips on starting your own garden.
Turn those inactive summer days inside into fun-filled days spent outdoors! Summer days can be very hot, so be sure to check the weather beforehand. Remember to enjoy the outdoors, while still being safe about it too! For more safety tips, visit https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/tools-resources/seasonal-safety/summer
To learn more tips and ideas on keeping your kids active over summer, visit https://www.hhs.gov/fitness/be-active/ways-to-be-active/index.html